
No way, man Lebron and KD almost weigh the same amount (250 vs 240). How the fuck are they gonna be able to move? You gotta go light on top!

Ooooh I like this. Steph (6'3", 190lbs) and Javale (7'0", 270lbs) is a pretty damn solid combo. You’ve got Javale’s athleticism and lanky-ass arms with Steph’s relatively low weight and shooting. The problem of next best is that the guy on top isn’t really going to be dribbling so you really just want a pure shooter

They should implement handball rules where you can only have the ball for 3 seconds at a time, but maybe make it like 8 seconds of dribbling before it’s an “illegal offense” or someshit I don’t know just make it stoooooop...

It looks to me that JR is yelling at Lue, but I can only imagine he is saying “Why didn’t anyone ever teach me how to fight over a screen?”

Even saying that they are “killed in protests” makes it seem plausible that the protests themselves became violent and people died instead of “civilian protesters killed by Israeli army.” God damn.

Do you play at a “Friday Night Magic” event or just with friends? I’ve always wanted to try a FNM game but I’m such a noob that I’m intimidated.

Jesus Christ all those Nyquil and alcohol drinks are terrifying. Nyquil has a fuck-ton of acetaminophen in it combined with alcohol is a recipe for immediate liver failure and eventual kidney disease. Hope they’re all ok.

Damn. I’m sorry.

They strike me as the kind of people who act however, wherever, and whenever the fuck they want, with no care as to who might be watching or how their behavior affects other people.

I’ve surfed off and on since I was a kid.

How terrible was that final play?! They had 3.5 seconds. Plenty of time to inbound and get at least a decent shot off. Instead they just hucked it to nobody and went out with a fucking whimper. Can you imagine the Cavs or Warriors or Rockets not at least getting a final shot off to end their season? IT WAS A FUCKING

This came up in another thread on The Terror, but why haven’t there been more naval/nautical themed shows/movies? Particularly in the last 15 years. This used to be such a ripe genre in literature, but since Master and Commander was a commercial failure, and Horatio Hornblower had a TV-movie series, I can’t think of

I watched this series when it was on TV and it was appointment TV, but since then it has kind of disappeared and I rarely hear anyone even being aware of it. I recently re-listened to the first several Hornblower books and was reminded to go looking and found almost all of them in HD on YouTube. The DVDs are pretty

Now playing

Did you watch the TV-movie series adaptation? They are fantastic and all on YouTube now!

Now playing

Watch the excellent Horatio Hornblower series of TV-movies that was produced by (I think) bythe BBC in the early 2000's. They are all on YouTube and they are amazing!

It’s so silly! and that is why I continue to open Fortnite and PUBG sits there unopened again.

How’d you put Janelle Monae in the first photo but not in the article?! Her outfit was dope, with the knight headpiece and the madonna gold around it. So sick.

Just beat me to it. I very much enjoyed that.

Dr. Lupo, Sypher, even Ninja is pretty good, Hutch, Shroud... All of them are over or around 3-4k concurrent and are fine. But they don’t do stupid shit, so they don’t get articles.

None of those, but they are wearing thick wetsuits cause Praia do Norte is freezing cold and then they use life vests that use compressed air and the surfer can pull a cord to inflate them in the event of a bad hold-down. They have big airbag-looking pouches on the chest and back that inflate and pop them up. The main