My team is bad and boring,
But it won’t happen. The owners don’t want it (money), and the players don’t want it (also money).
This motherfucker really likes red hats.
The Jets under 4.5 has the most juice on the under (-200) of any team’s over/under
Immediately went to the comments just to give Mr. Cooke the shout out he deserves. That shit is horrifying and inspired.
There’s a great band called Motopony that always pops into my head when I see motodoping.
I feel like the unfortunate answer is... you don’t. So it’s not so much free money as free* money, with the asterisk being *could be completely rigged and you lose everything.
Oh absolutely! I deleted a line saying the same thing before posting. I was just curious when I read this article about what he’d actually made and what the pension would mean for him.
This is an interesting case to look at the actual dollars he made. He will have made $1.9M in salary and incentives in his 3 years in the league. After taxes, which are likely high because of his high annual income that’s (generously) $1M. His NFL pension that the article mentions is $21K a year.
Seriously! Wow you can get a yellow and checkered shirt... Who gives a shit? It doesn’t affect your ability to enjoy and play the game in any way, shape, or form. I have very few skins in CS:GO. Does that mean I can no longer enjoy the game? NO. I’m not a magpie, I’m a human gamer. Play the game!
Thank you for your comment Mr. Rapaport.
Came here to say the exact same thing...
Kadyrov himself spoke with Scott and detailed exactly how much he despises gay people, who he says don’t even exist in Chechnya.
Wow is it nice to read a story like this. Can we get a story like this every Friday?
Jesus Christ. Christie the belt goes under the gunt, not across it. Why does he never realize this?
Everybody knows that cycling was invented for men to go fuck in the woods.
Made the Foodspin BBQ bean’s a couple weeks ago and while my nocturnal flatulence was truly something to behold, those were some fuckin’ good beans.
Damn this is some good sleuthing. Added him.