
This guy gets whiskey. If you don’t like it a little diluted. Drink it at room temp like it’s been done forever. If you put whiskey in the fridge you are a horrible person.

A bottle of crown royal will (should) warm any man’s heart.

It’s about historical accuracy” is the new “it’s about ethics in game journalism”?

I heard this too.  He is batshit crazy and this op-ed is going to make it worse!

Because he’s the center of the universe. What a fuckin’ narcissist.

I like that this dickshit says no one wants to cause a Constitutional crisis by invoking the 25th when that would be the exact fucking opposite of a Constitutional crisis, since it’s a specific Constitutional remedy for this exact fucking situation.  Fuck this coward who wants to think this will save him/her.


Also I highly doubt you were "overjoyed" when she won if this is all it takes for you to be ready to cast a vote for someone that is her polar opposite. Suuuuure, honey. I definitely believe you. 

Have you never been introduced to the idea of ‘analogy’ or do you take people literally at all times?

“But this? This is indefensible.”

$10,000 exceeds the amount an individual can donate to a campaign, and Ocasio Cortez does not accept PAC money, so it’s not even a good offer from a cash point of view.

He always looks like he just had his bar mitzvah and insists that you call him a man.

Just wait until you see him standing next to an adult human.

Regardless of what you think of him (and trust me - I’m not a fan, I thought what he did with the Muma situation was childish and petty), it’s not justification to fabricate lies. That’s not journalism, it’s not okay, and it’s libel.

Is it possible to upvote and report this at the same time?

That was the Soviet Union dumbshit. That country ceased to exist almost 30 years ago. 

Enough of this bullshit. Cernovich is playing you. Don’t let him. He doesn’t care about James Gunn or Dan Harmon or Michael Ian Black or any of the other people he’s trying to drag. He wants the #metoo movement to devour itself and he wants to defend trumpm

Pretty sure this is the first time Jack Posobiec and Mike Cernovich will ever be called SJWs....  

I woke up this morning to see his apology on Twitter with no idea what it was in reference to. I mean, the jokes are clearly crass but I didn’t see any that weren’t clearly jokes or that would warrant this kind of punishment. And as he said they were years ago, he may have already been an adult but that’s not to say

WB Exec: [touches action figure on pocket containing bat-wallet]