
No, but I hear good things!

Yeah, but Kirk, have you tried the MIDA Multi-Tool?

“I’m pregnant!”

That was so many rights that she ended up home twice.

She’s probably dating a Hotep.

They have and I don’t fucking care. I’m enjoying this season.

The next book will have the Battle of ice, battle of fire, second battle in the North, Euron attacking Oldtown (possibly calling krakens), Dany getting her khalasar, Aegon attacking Kings Landing, hold the door equivalent, and whatever Jon does.

In the very first few minutes of the very first episode, they had zombies. So I never watched it again after that, cuz zombies don’t make sense.... LOL just kidding, of course I watched it because who gives a shit!

Very well said. Thank you for being one of the few voices of reason amongst the sea of stupidity that is this comment section.

Uhhhh cool.

you’re a colossal douche

No SEARCH, no QUEST. Just ‘and the’. Yes, you know what to do too...

Thats exactly it. With Bam and Jackass you got the impression they would be doing the shit they were even if no one was watching.

That’s insulting to Bam Margera.

If your nickname is derived from The Three Amigos, yes, yes you are an old.

I live down the street from this guy. His whole “Team 10" orange van and the insane amount of people who live in (and trash) the house is completely a nuisance. Earlier this year, they put a trampoline in the middle of Melrose, near a really busy intersection and put it up on youtube. I don’t have more to say than

It’s amazing how Bam Margera did so much stuff like this, and I found it entertaining, yet this guy does it, and I’m annoyed. I don’t know if it’s because I’m older and life has ground me down to the point where everyone trying to get famous annoys me in an irrational way, but I’d like to think that it’s because, for

two first names. always tells.

Yeah you should probably get over that.

So we answered the question of, what if Justin Bieber had no musical talent?