
I know how to pronounce Baguette tyvm

“Think Guy Fieri”

Don’t talk ill of the dead bro not cool

“I know I’m supposed to be sympathetic to people with mental illnesses. I just can’t be objective when it hurts the innocent.”

People with mental illnesses are also innocent.
Unless you think mental illness is some sort of karmic retribution for bad thinking?

They have some talented players now, and are improving a great deal. I think you could argue both ways.

Ayy nice I spent a ton of my youth near this guy, my dad works at the adjacent museum. It’s hard to convey the scale- this thing is huuge

Or, more accurately, “two guys joke around”

especially if, as he claims, he was doing it as a “racist southerners suck” bit.

I’m sure they could come up with a ton of examples of what they might want to have happen, or guesses as far as what would appease other people. That ultimately does nothing towards actually figuring out what the public consensus is?

Men are as much the product of the system as they are perpetrators of it. We’re all trapped in this shitty culture together.

You used a lot of words to just say “I don’t like this innocuous thing that other people seem to like,” but I suppose as a writer that’s not entirely without merit.

man that video was too short

sometimes the internet really pulls through

Oh so Nicole Arbour can get worse ok good to know I guess

Oh Dennis.... I’d be disappointed in you but I don’t actually know who you are so I can’t judge if I should be or not.

If i ever watched anything on TV, boy howdy I’d boycott Fox for this!

I mean I think we’re largely agreeing here and I did in fact misunderstand your point in the original post- I just wanted to make the distinction that the tempo of the game is directed around team fights OVER objectives vs. just playing the objective itself in a vacuum. That mindset is what leads people to constantly

“I absolutely hate this in any game that I’ve ever played online. There is an objective, the goal is to play the objective, you gain nothing from just killing other players other than to keep them off the objective.”

I think this is untrue. The objective is the means by which the game is technically won or lost, but

That video was pretty funny, but “Proud Boys” is still the funniest and most self-effacing thing I witnessed here.

“Not even for a laugh against Shanghai”

oof I’m not even a Shanghai fan and that one still hurt.

They don’t, that’s likely a heuristic by which you only see and tally when people do, vs. the much greater amounts of times people haven’t filmed themselves doing things (the things you’ve never heard about, because they didn’t film them).

Or, if you read the rest of the article, because he wanted to teach his Son