
Wow, I’m surprised by this. Bioshock Infinite was by far one of the best games I can ever remember playing. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

Prove it.

Now that I’m way deeper into this game, I wanted to come back and thank you for suggesting playing this on harder difficulties. I tend to just for for whatever the “normal” difficulty is in games, but I’ve been really enjoying playing the Witcher on hard and I would never have thought to had you not mentioned it.

It’s gotta be a tie between:

Hilarious. It’s interesting theres so many graphical glitches on display for Witcher 3. I must have put 45 hours + into the game by now and I’ve yet to see anything weird at all. It’s been perfect thus far. I’m almost disapointed, given how funny some of those are.

First encounter with the Hym was spookier than a werewolf Bar Mitzvah.

It’s funny, PC graphics must be like fine dining or wine. As a filthy console peasant, I really can’t tell the different between the PS4 version and the video above.

I suppose I wouldn't know if they were good at it, but most of them are wimps when it comes to spicy food so I'd be very impressed if they managed it.

This article touches on a lot of stuff that I’ve been reflecting on lately. I turn 26 later this month, and over the last few years I’ve felt a strange pairing of enthusiasm and nostalgia for video games. I used to play a lot, but as I’ve gotten older the feeling of video games has irrevocably changed. Like a lot of

The laughter at other peoples expense burns off the calories of the chips, so its a win-win!

My friends use these as a way to decide who has to do other worse things, sort of like Silent Library. The slow burn makes the realization that you lost even worse.

But tasty!

You da real MVP

Oh wow, I hadn’t seen this yet. It’s exactly her...


“Maybe learn to read.”

Since you’ve switched over to being rude, I’m gonna jump in and say that 4 years as an English Major got me no closer to deciphering exactly what you were talking about.

100% agree, great film! And the end did always strike me as a little corny, but you forgive them since it’s yet another send up of action film cliches, I guess.


Don’t push feminism on your reader (push equality!).

LOL you keep using that word (feminism)... I do not think you know what it means..

I saw her face and instinctively reached for some popcorn.

Actually, it's about ethics in soap journalism...

He said, for what is undoubtedly the 10th response like this by now