itsy bitsy spader

Now that it’s all but official and a man who is not only going to give rabid conservatives the 5th reliable Supteme Court vote they’ve so desperately wanted for decades, but is also a sexual criminal, a drunk, a pathological liar, and a man who believes Trump is above the law, is the newest justice, I want to take

She hoped Collins would vote to be on the “right side of history,”

Stabbed in the back by an airline magazine.

Vaccines are so great. 

If our county cared about majority, Clinton would be president. 

Chad Ludington” is just too perfect a name for this story. 

He rapes kids.

Fuck it, let’s get Elaine to direct.

I wonder how Julia Louis-Dreyfus, an actual descendant of Alfred Dreyfus, would feel about that.

It’s too bad Polanski is associated with what I’m assuming is a retelling of the Dreyfus affair which is a fascinating story.

Incorrectly IDing someone you never met is 25 universes away from incorrectly IDing someone you personally know and went to school with.

To the best of my knowledge, by all accounts Ford knew who Kavanaugh was prior to her assault. She was not drunk or drugged, so her memory on that night was clear.  She didn’t have to piece together a description of an unknown attacker like Thompson-Cannino did with the aid of shoddy police work to come to the wrong

When a man does it, it’s OK. When a woman does it, she’s “emotionally unstable” and “out of control.”

I mean, a lot of those women support them.  We are never going to be taken seriously, when women don’t believe and support other women.  

I bet we’re about to find out that there are a lot of people out there who can do a convincing Carrie Fisher impression.

Forget convincing evidence of his past: I’m not convinced Kavanaugh could pass a breathalyzer right this second.

My hope is that after his nomination goes down in flames, an investigation is opened on his conduct (not just the high school/college rapeyness, but the lying under oath) by the Chief Judge of the DC Circuit Court.

This isn’t “nerd culture”, it’s just some misogynists who also happen to have a nerdy hobby, so they express their misogyny through that hobby.

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

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They don’t care if he’s good or bad. All of that “He is the finest man” stuff is just lip service. They only care that he will execute their agenda and that he bothers liberals. They see the future of the United States as a juvenile game between winning teams and losing teams. I don’t know how the united states got to