he is a community manger. Twitter is his job. Probably shouldn't get controversial in that context.
The problem lies on that it was poorly worded and he should have also added that Despite Sterling having the right to be a bigot, he had a duty to suffer the consequences of his bigotry.
No, but he shouldn't have posted his opinion on a non-work related topic that is so obviously volatile. Common sense, he apparently lacked it.
And don't forget FART (Filter All Regressing Thoughts).
Not bad. I would have gone with photoshopping in young me rather then adult me.
What percent saw the picture of the adult him looking up the under-aged her's dress?
Considering that CDs can be bought for $1-3 a piece at thrift stores it now more cost effective to buy CDs and rip them than ever before. "Thrifting for Tunes" for the Millenials. :)
CDs aren't going away... I much prefer having a high quality physical copy of my music than a low quality digital copy downloaded from Amazon, iTunes or some other source... That way, I can rip the digital copies at the quality I want and not be stuck with whatever Amazon, iTunes or whoever else decided was good…
Or those who ripped them 15 years ago in MP3 format who now want to rip them in higher quality, lossless formats such as FLAC, since we now have larger capacity hard drives... I did this years ago, found a bunch of used optical drives for sale on the cheap, tossed all 6 of them into a case and ripped all my CDs to…
Vote: Steam
I remember the headphones. My sister and I weren't allowed to own set-top consoles when we were kids, but our parents caved and let us have Game Boys. I got one for my birthday, and my sister also got one for the sake of fairness, even though it was totally my birthday and not hers. I remember being SO PSYCHED while I…
Wouldn't it be more realistic if he just broke his hand? I mean, still pretty bad.
Unofficial Human Torch figure.
Back when the largest video files were around 10MBs. Took dedication to download it.
Successful crossings- 547 of 1500
I believe
They're bipedal turtles. There's no way they can't be top heavy.