
Yeah, curious what happens there. Pretty sure Playstation and such don't allow this either. I get it, it's a slippery slope, if you allow one game in with pixellated boobs, you're going to have to decide on others. I doubt anyone at any of these companies wants to be responsible for that moral judgement on a

Yep. It's not there, in reality.

I respect the arguments of the article and the people that agree with it. I can see how it adds to the tone of the game with it's intrusions of privacy. Doesn't really affect me, though, as I'd be turning the nudity off, anyways. Awkward explanations, etc. I might snag this.

Been a fan of the Guardians in the comics, and Marvel's Cosmic stuff for a long time. Movie was great.

Also a necessary part of any summary of "Life in Draenor".

Haha. Warlords is great. But this is funny.

Yeah I go through this all the time since I came back to WoW. Not updates, those are typically handled invisibly for the most part. But queueing for Ashran (the current endgame PvP content), or a dungeon. 45 minutes sometimes. That might have been the amount of time I wanted to play just then, and I spent it

It's refreshing to see some pretty typical females here, instead of 100% supermodel Barbie dolls.

IDK about that. Ever had DS shoulder buttons stop working due to pocket lint? It happens. I recommend a sleeve.

Ok, that's what I've been waiting to see. Link in a Mercedes. I'm surprised I hadn't seen this yet until now.

Yeah, you sure see a lot of hypocrisy these days in a lot of things. My thoughts on politicians these days is that Republicans and Democrats are just two cheeks of the same butt.

Do you regularly pre-order games (ie: hand them your money before anyone knows what the game's launch will be like?) If so, you just voted with your wallet in saying you don't care at all how it's handled.

Man. I came back to the game a couple months ago after nearly a decade. Today, I just returned from a business trip to an hour long login queue. Talk about bringing me back to that early 2000's nostalgia of the game.

Now playing

I'm not sure this qualifies as something you need to know about Dragon Age: Inquisition, but my heroine, Sabetha Trevalyan, is a total babe

Well, I'm sure it'll be shut down now. :|

Yeah, as nice as the visuals and music recordings were in the 1998 remake, I think ditching LucasArts iMuse system from the original release was a mistake. They should have kept it, at least as an option. I can't speak how highly of how awesome that was.

I've gone back to WoW recently, and I encountered a very obvious bot while in a 5-man dungeon. The guy was just running back and forth between a set point and a certain monster type that "feigns death" when you get close, for lack of a better term. Like he'd charge the monster, but when it appeared to become a dead

I'm amused by the fact this had 52 favorites.

It's possible, but really what's going on is people are acting like total childish dickheads over video games. Let Valve make some examples.

Be careful of gross generalizations, man, or you might find yourself being thought of as being a silly European with wooden shoes.