
People who say "people who say 'you must be fun at parties' must be fun at parties" must be fun at parties.

Shame the video didn't have comparisons with the game's glitches. I've never played (or been interested) in a modern basketball video game, but I probably would have thought the glitches were hilarious if I saw them. The dude sliding into the seat is great, and I particularly enjoyed the FIFA glitches post from a

I've heard that it comes with net play!

And the dummy of the week award goes to...

At least it wasn't vandalized with dicks. Actually, never mind, it can be argued it was.

Have no fear, assuming they stay close to the books, there's likely some cat fun in the future (although not in King's Landing and not with Ser Pounce).

Ironically, IIRC the Tyrells (via Margaery) gave them to him in the books.

Wow, composite armor from SWG. I never thought I'd be seeing this again.

Superman, both are high powered overgrown boy scouts fighting for truth, justice, and the American Way. They even melded the two, for a limited run in "Amalgam comics".

Buy 256k bitrate mp3's (or AAC) for $10, or buy a used CD for a couple bucks and get higher quality 320K or FLAC? Hmm. Don't be so quick to turn your nose up at CD's, some of us are still really into music.

Don't forget Unblock-us for streaming sports apps.

Oh man. I forgot it included ear buds. I remember these now. Thanks. :)

Looks familiar. Oh wait, it's exactly like all their vids.

I noticed it says the Windows Activation is not nearly as draconian in Windows 8 than it is in 7. I run into Win 7 activation issues a lot working in Boot Camp and Parallels on with Win 7 on my Mac. I wonder if I just sucked it up and grabbed Win 8 those would go away. I honestly can't stand Windows 8, but less

How supported is this hardware in Ubuntu or Mint? I'm quite interested in these as a media streaming server (eg: Plex). And I wouldn't care to buy a Windows license for a box that just runs invisibly in a headless capacity.

Oh right, I mean I know it's gotta be more since it's tied to electronics and such. I just meant that the premise might have sound fairly similar to Ninendo when the Skylanders dudes laid their figurines on the meeting table.

I wonder if the failure of the Pokemon Trading Figure game might have caused some of their hesitance. I know fuckall about Skylanders, but just seeing them in the store leads me to believe the game has to be similar on some level. Except tied into a video game instead of a paper play board.

But not Youtube, ya jacknut!