
Is she the one in the white spangly furry coat? Because I’m dying over that whole look. I’ve never seen someone look so goth while not wearing a single scrap of black. Truly inspiring.

She looks like Heidi Montag.

I dislike Lea Michele, but I have no good reason for it.


I look forward to popping the head off this Barbie as well.

Am I the only one who sat through that whole song by Carly?

I’ve never watched any of these shows, I have no idea who these people are, but I loved this write-up.

And then he tried to blame Carly for his shitty behaviour! “Oh, I had to fake it and blindside you because you said you were a runner so you would break up with me if I told you we were going too fast for me.” Dick.

I think my favorite thing about this season was that there were some legit female friendships that the producers didn’t even dare try and fuck with.

That song is really terrible tho

I read every single ‘Everyone Who Cried’ and had no idea, in the end, I would be the one who would cry the most. Stay strong, Carly

If you watch the After Paradise special, Kirk comes off looking even worse. Carly said the night before he dumped her he was talking about how excited he was to meet her parents, and how he “loved where this was going”. POOR CARLY!! :( I would’ve been so devastated.. I definitely shed a few tears myself.

Samantha, a Real Doll brought mostly to life”

When she called out for Jade and Jade was like “I’m here, I’m here.” my heart broke. Everyone has been like that with their friend when they were dumped.

“I love watching Jared sleep.”

Do we know if the baby had an older toddler sibling? Older toddler siblings can be mean little bastards.

Yes. Defending sexual predators seems to be a theme with this guy. Makes you wonder...

He did go out of his way as governor to get a rapist set free. Against the will of the people even, and what did that rapist do when he when he was freed? Murdered a couple women. Mike Huckabee for president, the Christian Taliban's golden boy.