But but its her “choice”so it must be feminist. You are just kink/body/sex etc. shaming. And you probably have vanilla sex sex too. Because don’t you know jez is a cool girl?
But but its her “choice”so it must be feminist. You are just kink/body/sex etc. shaming. And you probably have vanilla sex sex too. Because don’t you know jez is a cool girl?
She shares custody of the kids now and has for years. She is stable but maybe they don’t want to risk her going off her medication and having a repeat? As far as I have read she has no objection to the conservatorship but she manages being a mother just fine.
Lots of fat people gain in the face and stomach (including myself). Just because most plus size models still have flat tummies and big hips does mean we don’t exist.
And a choice to use the formula she already had...
I graduated in 2001 in Ontario and I had pretty good sex ed from grade 5 to grade 10ish. We covered puberty/stis/contraceptives/abortion/safe sex/reproductive health etc. It’s not like it was abstinence only sex ed bullshit.
Why is it the man’s responsibility tho? That’s the difference men take responsibility for their own orgasms and women don’t.
What about marrying one?
He does! And a big old swastika on his neck!
And her husband has a swastika front and centre on his neck...but it’s probably vegan so I guess that makes it not horribly racist?
Her new husband has a swastika on his neck(and all over his early instagram). So maybe nazi shitstain still applies?
What can we only get from animals? A healthy vegan diet shouldn’t require supplements at all.
I think it’s safe if you not a moron. Please have definitely killed their kids doing it wrong.
I have been working in vet hospitals for 6 years. I can’t tell you how many dead puppies I have seen because they got parvo. There were 2 today. 9 wks old. I have NEVER seen a puppy died from a vaccine. A few swollen faces? Sure maybe 2/yr. And yet the anti vxers somehow know better...
The average lifespan of people with MS is not that different (5 to 10 years less) then those without and it’s rarely fatal.
But they can’t drink??? So isn’t that unconstitutional?
But they had that option and they didn’t convict him.
Yes he was. They were given 2nd degree murder and manslaughter options. It looks like there must have believed the hung trigger theory.
When you break down the case I don’t think they could prove murder. But I don’t see why he was found innocent of manslaughter.
Who cares if she just wants to be a mom? I don’t even like kids and I think this is a cruel comment.
I’m like 25% covered in tattoos and have never experienced anything even remotely skeezy. Maybe a few attitude issues but I just didn’t hire them. I cannot even imagine a tattoo artist pulling this shit where I live.