
I have worked with animals for 9 years (kennels/vet) almost everyone uses this kind of teminology when referring to their pets, so does the staff. Its so common that the few times someone objects to it it really stands out. Possibly because its always accompanied by some overwrought monologue about “real” kids. Call

And super floppy muscles that rip because they aren’t ready for the postures. It’s very dangerous.

Any yoga teacher I have ever had hates hot yoga. It allows the body to do things it normally isn’t capable of and so many peple seriously hurt themselves. It’s like it was designed for folks who wanted to fast track their practice rather than doing accomplishing these poses actual work (or teachers who want to produce

Wowsers! What the heck do the other billionaires look like if he is the handsomest? Yikes!

Sometimes it’s grief, sometimes it’s just greed.

What? That’s not even sort of the same thing.

So what happens now? He owns part of the building so how can they kick him put?

Omg right? My mom has never shown up for a graduation but is the first to brag about my degrees. She is constantly telling me to stop volunteering because it makes her sad and yet will write these big long posts on Facebook about how amazing I am. It’s never about me, it’s totally just a reflection of how awesome she

I know. Like in order to be a “cool” girl you have to openly fart, fall down a lot and talk about bathroom habits. I’m probably uptight but I believe in manners, and I don’t want to hear about your poops.

Maybe 2/3 of the baby are out of the vaginas?

Agreed. I think she is fine in the few films I have seen her in but fuck she annoys me. I don’t want to be friends with someone who pisses in sinks, and generally has crappy manners. I’m sure she is nice and all but we wouldn’t be friends.

Yeah totally we have the same moms.

My mom once starved herself because she was “stressed” about my sister having surgery. She passed out beside her hospital bed while she was coming too. The nurses but her in the bed beside my sister, where she pretended she had been eating normally (my poor drugged sister had to out her from the next bed)and when they

Omg! Are we sisters? I have never heard my mom described so perfectly.

What is this shampoo scrub you speak off? I’m intrigued.

This video is just extraordinary. He is by far one of the most influential artists who ever existed.

Totally overrated.

Is she? I find Beyonce pretty “meh”. I don’t always like Gaga but being able to write/play/produce your own music absolutely does matter. It’s her vision (good or bad). Beyonce had more the 70 people write her last album and it still wasn’t that great. And frankly she had the weakest voice in Destiny’s Child. Still a

Prince is nothing like Madonna. Tbf I totally agree with your assessment of how she is treated by the media.

I loooovvvveeeeee his voice. It’s so weird and sexy and sad and every kind of perfect.