
I sort of figured this out already. Trump made a decision, like he has in his corporate offices for ages. His employees (now known as White House staffers) are suppose to only say ‘That’s a good one, sir.’ And they are expected to tell everybody else ‘He’s such a good man, he did x y and z.’ They don’t need to know

I think they call it anything for a buck. Or something like that.

Oh, yeah, and Boreanaz starred in that Valentine movie as the killer, IIRC. So....who knows.

Then again, they could be like David Boreanaz. He had Buffy, then Angel and now Bones. I lost interest in Bones after the whole will they/won’t they, and the the next season they were married, and I think she was pregnant. Blah. Who knows if they will or won’t. I’d say mostly they will, but whatever.

Hmmm, this article seems to have started an international ‘my penis is waving more bigly than yours’ contest in the comments. Amazing, since the article was just about an election.

He wouldn’t even be important enough for me to feed. And I didn’t vote for Trump. Pfffftttt.

Eh, don’t watch it, and it won’t get me to end my subscription. Probably more like me on Netflix. Even the regulars who do watch it probably won’t end their sub either. Somebody didn’t think this one through. Oh, brother.

Yeah, I think that’s what bugs me the most. After all the ‘problems’ of no emails and phone, going to another country seems REALLY stupid. I spazzed up to the last minute on my flight from Det to SF, and everything was in order as it should have been. I can’t imagine not bailing somewhere nearer to the problems

They are discussions neither in favor or against organized social events of any type. Some clubs will be religious in nature, some will not. They both serve the purposes that members expect, not necessarily what you expect.

That is what happen in the church where my husband is a pastor. The church decided they had no problem with LGBT or marrying them if gay marriage passed. It caused a schism in the church, and those who disagreed went off and formed their own ‘we don’t allow gay marriage’ congregation. I thought good riddance at the

“What if the international icon set himself on fire in front of the White House?” Sehdev suggests.

I believe they sign contracts to only serve either Coke or Pepsi. Never both together. Blame Coke and Pepsi. I always thought it was the most dumb ass thing to do.

but...but...but...I thought V was a documentary.

Mine use it as an opportunity to steal my seat. Or my son’s. But they do spend hours curled on my arm when I’m on the computer. It’s my one handed excuse. Heh.

Eh, I lost interest after the prison. So I’m WAY behind and feel no loss at this point.

You’re forgetting William’s heart throb prince days. However, the older he got, the more he looked like daddy.

I will say I was adamant on equal rights for all. And treating others as humans. That was pretty much my strongest demand.

I raised mine to think for themselves. They knew what I believed, but I left it up to them to figure out what they want to believe. Means I now have 2 atheists, a Buddhist, 2 mild believers, and 1 who doesn’t give a fuck enough to think about it. Also got 2 liberals, 1 somewhat conservative, and 3 who have to think

It boggles my mind how people can imagine that a book is actually tied to the whoever created this place, if said entity exists. The argument is everything the bible says about god is true, so god must be a very bad man (if he exists). Or is just me?

Yes, yes, we know.