
Climate Change deniers are about like Anti-Vaxxers. They don’t see smog so they think the EPA’s work is pointless, corrupt BS that needs to go away. Just like they don’t see people with Polio and Mumps walking around and therefore assume our Vaccination policies are pointless, corrupt BS that also needs to go away.


I hope a bucket of paint falls off a ladder and lands upside-down on your head and gets stuck there and you stumble around with a paint-bucket on your head and crash into a ladder and fall down a manhole.

So you and everyone in town reports him... then what??

“I don’t know why anyone would want to kill all these jobs. It does not make any sense.”

By my calculations, there should be more “good guys with guns” than at any other point in history. How’s that going again?

If the police had to attend to every report of a troubled, young white man, they wouldn’t have enough time to harass scores of non-white young people that simply left the house non-white.

I read other team centric sports blogs, because I am a masochist, and the popular idea there was that we need 20 armed guards at every school. Me, being the libtard cuck that I am, suggested that maaaaaybe creating a police state at school isn’t the greatest for the development, and that we might want to start banning

But........if he was already KNOWN as unstable, and expelled for behavioral problems, and former classmates had ALREADY complained about him joking about committing a school shooting, weren’t the so-called authorities already aware?

The shooter was apparently armed with a handgun and a powerful assault rifle. This massacre is therefore a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or in a house of worship, or a movie theater, or in a nightclub. And we have to decide if

You’re really going to get on her for not parsing her tweet to meet your exacting pedantic requirements? Go fuck yourself.

When you woke up this morning, did you think of yourself as someone who would call the teenaged survivor of a mass shooting a liar on the internet, or are you surprised to learn that about yourself?

Step 1: Report mentally disturbed individual to Police

In response to Trumps tweet.

Now playing

Obama was extremely passionate about gun control. But surprise, surprise he was stymied by the Republican Congress at every turn. I agree that it is all very disheartening, but the best we can do is ask our elected officials about this very issue, make them take a stance, and vote for people that will do something.

Innocent people die every day due to gun violence and it’s this type of bullshit argument that hinders progress and talks for a lot of people. Politicians use it because they’re afraid of pissing off their voter bases and people that think owning an AR-15 is some natural way of living use it to stop people from

Sandy Hook was over 5 years ago, can we talk about it now?

This is what has driven me bananas about the Trump regime, and the Republican endorsement of it. Like, yea, his politics are atrocious. He’s a bully, an asshole, a traitor, a conman, a sexual predator, a hypocrite, a tax dodger, a draft dodger, etc etc.

“Not building some stupid wall for billions of dollars that has nothing to do with our safety, but actually protecting us from what truly is dangerous.”

Typical libtards getting triggered just because children are dying in easily preventable ways

No one seems to be addressing the administrative costs to this.