Sure, but even if that did happen the election is in November and the new Congress wouldn’t be seated until January. There’s nothing stopping McConnell from passing his new bill in March 2018, 8 months before the election.
Sure, but even if that did happen the election is in November and the new Congress wouldn’t be seated until January. There’s nothing stopping McConnell from passing his new bill in March 2018, 8 months before the election.
What happens after the 30th is that the reconciliation instructions for 2017 expire. Congress can do reconciliation once a year, so they’re free to try again with 50 votes using the 2018 instructions.
They’ll bring it up with the 2018 reconciliation bill, but that runs into drafting problems, since you have to mix in their tax cuts into the same bill, and puts the action closer to the 2018 campaign. Not out of the woods as long as the GOP controls Congress, but things get tougher for them after this.
CBO has actually been pretty accurate. They nailed their prediction of 2016 premiums from the 2010 report, and were pretty close on total coverage, although they predicted less usage of Medicaid and more of the exchange markets. Regardless, going in without ANY analysis seems like a pretty bad idea.
I think that’s a good encapsulation of the idea, but has it ever worked? At least the succinct version makes it more clear that the question is being dodged, since it provides fewer avenues of digression. As we’ve seen, the context provided in the question closes down nothing and just opens up another thing to…
Even more embarrassingly, it’s not like this is a new strategy. Is it ego, in that the reporter sounds better with a mini-speech of their own? Is it trying to curry favor and maintain access by tossing softballs?
What are you talking about? Gizmodo has several posts about the damage caused by the hurricanes, especially in the islands, and include donation advice and links to help. Guess what political party that completely controls government hasn’t said a word about Puerto Rico?
Looks like this troll is the kind of person that has no problem making a beer run or even booing players during the anthem, but then gets super offended if someone else doesn’t live up to his imagined standards.
There were competent folks, and also folks who thought that Iran-Contra was a great idea.
What does that even mean? People are still calling Congress about the disaster healthcare bill, and there are still plenty of articles about NK. Trump wasn’t handling NK any better with even more attention, so why does it matter?
So, Sam Presti is some kind of literal wizard, right? He’s simultaneously added Paul George and Carmelo Anthony while also dumping the two worst contracts and keeping the few good players he started with. None of it makes any sense.
The other things is that even if you watch shows, there are so many that Your Shows never line up with anyone else’s shows. I want to talk about “Weirdo Lawyer,” but no one’s seen it and instead they try to talk to me about “Cool Doctor,” which I have never even heard of. Then they get offended when I never watch…
Hope you find your safe space soon.
How do you think the GOP health plans (either Cassidy-Collins or the near miss that was cooked up over lunch before the vote McCain sunk a while back) actually improve choice or cost?
Yeah, Season 2 introduces us to a new family in Texas that’s really well developed and solid. That, and more focus on Nora, really improved things.
Totally get how someone could have a different opinion. I just thought he was the worst.
My hatred was even more focused: Kevin Garvey was one of the worst protagonists ever. Everyone else was fine to good, but it wasn’t until midway through season 3 that I gave even the slightest shit about the ostensible focus of the show.
Honestly, makes perfect sense. Do the absolute minimum, but be available for all the actual games so you get paid. Run out the clock on this contract.
Holy shit, this is one case where the headline is perfectly accurate.
One big thing to note is the cherry-picked data: Lomborg’s chart is looking at 20 year aggregates of only hurricanes in the Atlantic that make landfall in the US. If it just hits the Caribbean or peters out into a tropical storm by the time it reaches the mainland, he doesn’t count it.