Look at California. All term limits do is empower lobbyists.
Look at California. All term limits do is empower lobbyists.
I get that in a proportional system, areas with more people will have more power, while the current system gives more power to smaller states. What I don’t get is why the vote of a Californian should be worth less than a South Dakotan. Why don’t we just say that all Americans get equal representation instead of…
Sure, but why do we need to keep an undemocratic 240 year old political kludge around?
I’m not sure what the benefit would even be. You bring up $20 trillion because it’s a big number, which sounds scary, but there’s absolutely no evidence that the debt is having any negative consequences, and there’s a strong point to be made that safe asset shortages from the recession until about 2014 are evidence…
Has anyone asked Giuliani about Trump doubling down on his Central Park 5 truthering? Let’s not let that insanity get lost in the chaos. Since Rudy is making the rounds, someone better bring it up.
It’s “typical locker room talk” for shitheads, yes. For men, not so much.
You know it’s possible to build condos without a baseball stadium nearby, right?
Two separate cases. Abe Pollin absolutely had a huge hand in gentrifying Chinatown. The Nationals stadium hasn’t added anywhere close to $700 million in value. And worst of all, as you point out, is that DC wasn’t exactly overflowing with cash when they made the deal. Schools and homeless services faced big cuts…
All to achieve their dastardly rich-person plan of...raising taxes on the wealthy. Devious.
I did not pick my nit pick very well, clearly.
Not picking ahead:
Seriously. These fuckers aren’t supervillains. They don’t threaten the very fabric of the country. They’re criminals. Dangerous ones, but no different than any other violent killer. Let’s stop building them up and telling the world that they’re too powerful for the little ol’ Constitution.
“Irresponsible intent” is clearly is the tag line to a 90s Skinemax flick Trump apparently loves.
But you see, his flavor of box is the obviously the One True Box.
That’s why apartments in NYC are so cheap.
Man I really missed the point. Misread you completely.
Why shouldn’t people have the freedom to build apartments on their land? Why do you want people to only be able to build generic single family homes?
Local government, though zoning, FAR ratios, setbacks, parking minimums, minimum lot sizes, height limits, and other regulations that prohibit density. The entire point is to make the housing market a little more free.
Well yes, but that’s a political problem of haves shutting down have nots. That’s an excuse for the status quo, not a justification.
Oh for sure, agree that there’s a big difference between upgrading existing infrastructure and building something new. A lot of systems benefit from density, though. Transit is impossible without it.