
As always, the United States Federal Government is an insurance company with an army. It has a few little pet projects too.

Can we talk about how amazing is is that one of the Mets, Cubs, Royals, or Jays will win the world series? Not a single bad ending there.

PFTCommenter already handled all the O’Malley takes.

And honestly, payments aren’t necessarily tied to the fund. The feds will just fill in the gap, the same as any other spending.

That’s a good point. And hey, maybe the scare talk is good for mobilizing people in both their personal finances and political engagement.

Don’t worry, we’ll all still get it. Same thing with Medicare. Those programs aren’t going away and the whole “funds are drying up” thing is just meaningless accounting semantics.

Social Security isn’t “drying up,” benefits are on the same path they’ve been on for years. The “funds” that are depleted are just IOUs the government writes to itself. It’s just another line item in the budget and will stick around the same as it ever was. The absolute worst case scenario that involves the government

Agree on all. I do something similar and try to stick to vegetarian/vegan lunches. Gets the added benefit of having an easier clean up and less risk of spoilage when making a batch for the week.

The best possible reform for the NYPD is just to make sure damages for their illegal actions come out of their own budget/pensions. Not much incentive to improve if there’s no professional consequence for officers and all the money comes from taxpayers.

Well the NYPD hasn’t acted. The CCRB is a civilian oversight board, but the NYPD rarely engages in any actual discipline based on their findings. That’s why their own investigation is still “ongoing.”

I’m so happy to finally say:

So why not just seed by record and have the Mets and Dodgers in the play-in? Same thing, only it rewards the better teams.

This is why so many people said it was a crap idea in the first place. The cost of Graham is Unger, a first round lineman (Fisher/Sambrailo/Donovan), and extra cash that could’ve given room for a one year bonus for Chancellor to keep him happy without clogging up the future cap sheet any further. Willson isn’t great,

Yeah if you’re eating to train you almost have to prep your own stuff. Savings scale up the more you eat, though, so that’s a win.

Just one data point: total time cost for me making a week’s worth of lunches (burritos, chili, salads, etc.) is about 5-7 minutes a meal. leftovers are about 2 minutes a meal, with maybe 2 minutes of cleanup afterwards (per week, not per meal). That’s as much or less than it takes to walk somewhere and wait in line,

That looks pretty normal as is (2 thin sandwiches). I eat giant lunches, but not much bigger than that. How about you?

Or you can network outside of lunch, or go out just when you want to do something special. If you consider every lunch a networking opportunity, you’re doing it wrong. Going to Chipotle every day has zero positive effect on advancing your career.

So... you didn’t read the post at all?

You think Rex Ryan will just sign some of those practice squaders or go full Jeff Fischer and make them captains for the next Bills-Dolphins game?

And thanks to one Jolie Kerr, I recently repurposed a spray bottle with vinegar for situations like this one. Thanks.