So he does or doesn’t want kids to have to be in car seats? I’m confused. Also, I hardly think that a car seat is even in the top 10 cost items people really think about when it comes to having kids.
So he does or doesn’t want kids to have to be in car seats? I’m confused. Also, I hardly think that a car seat is even in the top 10 cost items people really think about when it comes to having kids.
To be fair to... everyone, The CEO of Tesla is the one who added the unnecessary political baggage to Tesla. And while tesla was a cutting edge car 10 years ago, now it’s just another EV, one saddled with a lot of ugly baggage that can be avoided if one just buys something else.
I would imagine most CEO’s of car companies are terrible people as well-however they don’t own one of the largest online communication companies or blab about offensive social commentary on everything.
How many limbs are we talking about?
If you asked the question, “Who is Nissan?” or “Who is Ford?”, you would get confused looks. Maybe some people would name the CEO, if they even knew who it was.
I don’t normally answer these since they’re not really for staff, but hopefully, you this one hits enough key Jalop points to be worth it.
That guy was such a toolbox. Just seeing this gif makes my eyes roll so hard I’m worried one will fall out.
This comment that cars are shit today has been said by every generation of old man going back to the 50s.
The concept of what makes a care “soulful” is as subjective as people’s taste in cars.
Insurance should not be a for-profit industry, especially health/dental/vision and any insurance one is required to have like auto. Its a scam, these big companies trying to find reasons to not pay you back or to charge you more if you use the service you are paying for.
The best insurance company gets a C-. That’s optimistic.
Sure $60,000 why not, but the article states the cops are saying regular cop cars are $116,000 and I’m like, what?
Cop cars cost $116,000?!?!?!?
“Are they giving us the finger because we’re cops or because we’re in a Cybertruck?”
Lets not pretend that Tavaris cost cutting measures were some personal mission. He’s being pressured, I’m sure, and setup to do exactly that by the same people who are suddenly not pleased with how cutting your way to growth is still an unsound business practice.
“Kamala Harris wants to turn America into Venezuela!” shreiks the candidate also running on a platform of government-controlled commodities pricing, a policy that was at the core of Venezuela’s economic collapse.
Like his campaign ads in 2020 that showed chaos and strife literally happening in Trump’s America and warned that this was what awaited people in Biden’s America.
I drove both. Owned a 85 looked into a used 92? Turbo. The early models of the 2nd gen had the wrong length suspension arms in the back and made them have significant bump steer. As the poster talked about the car lost the tossiblity, the steering feel was numb and there was absolutely no way to predict what the rear…
I had both. The 2nd gen was a much better car overall.