
Kid (4 at the time) had to pee really badly so I whipped into a gas station of I30 in Alexander, Arkansas (just southwest of Little Rock). My wife unbuckled the kid and dashed inside just as a cop pulled up behind me with his lights on. Apparently I’d parked in “not a parking spot.” It wasn’t a fire lane or

“Hey Kamala - how are the couches in there?”

Aww man, I hate it whenever that happens to me.

Toyota: We Build Excitement!*

Whoever buys that STR8 is a moron lol

They should boycott H-D. The same people are the key customer demographic for H-D anyway. Maybe then, H-D would become serious about making AND promoting their better bikes.

Harley Davidson should sue this guy for not buying a Harley.

It can look absolutely terrible, right out of the factory!

I have no qualms with the Gone in 60 Seconds remake, but I hate the Mustang that launched a thousand awful clones. If you own one of these, you are not a connoisseur, you’re a self-indulgent wiener.

Ragebait will definitely get you clicks, but well thought of articles can too. I remember Jalopnik used to have some really good interview articles and investigate articles. Can we get back to that? I feel like the only reason I'm still here is the comment section and it's a hot or miss if that is even working.

Former Jalop writer Jason Torchinsky had a great take on where we are with driver assistance. Which is that the current level of autonomy is far more dangerous than driving one’s self.

If a driver accelerates into a motorcyclist, killing them, they should lose their licence (pending a reasonable investigation) along with the potential for criminal prosecution. We have all the data we need from the FSD’s recordings that the software is faulty and should ‘lose its licence’, as now we have the same

It’s simply insane that this Tesla system is legal for use on public streets. I truly feel for the family of the motorcyclist, and its pisses me off knowing that Elon will barely give it a thought and sleep just fine tonight on his mattress stuffed with all those billions of dollars.

Sadly buying a $100K look-at-me vehicle and then intentionally damaging by walking on it and throwing stuff at it has become “the most American” thing to do these days. I long for the days when people tried to cover up their stupidity.

Nah we beat up Richie Rich to get that quarter haha

How are you doing? It’s amazing. It’s so amazing. We should send you into, I’ve always said get some of these guys. I have a lot of friends in that world. I don’t know. I think, isn’t Roger Penske, like, a great guy? The guy won 20 Indianapolis 500s. This guy (pointing to Childress) wins all the time. I mean, we

“Our budget for crash testing vehicles is limited so we try to target big sellers” is some next-level shade. 

Much as I hate to admit it, I am old enough to remember when Bill Gates and Paul Allen bought Porsche 959s. If I remember correctly, they never got off the dock because they were never crash tested among other things. 

Did something change?

The local Tesla store uses the Mall parking lot next door for excess inventory. For the longest time there were only dozen or so vehicles parked there. In the last year the amount has grown to several hundred cars and seems to grow larger every week. Not selling like hots cakes anymore.

He’s just like Trump, they just make shit up on the spot and somehow millions of delusional cult members believe them.