
I have those fantasies a lot.

So I have to ask genuinely if this guy is mentally impaired?  Or was he just stupidly drunk or high?

The dumbest thing about it is that the Cybertruck’s speed is pretty impressive. Why they felt the need to lie about it (or if you are some Tesla die-hard, “be slightly misleading” about it) is just odd.  Your damn Lego brick is faster than a car most people consider very fast.  Cool, show that.  Don’t friggen show

Sure, bud. It’s the Porsche owners who have fragile egos. Not the vapid man-baby who buys entire companies on a whim (only to burn billions by failing by every conceivable metric) and his bootlicking fans.

Who cares? Very clearly Tesla cared since they invented the story ...

There’ no fucking way I would go back to a company that fired me on the whims of a child. This is the kind of business strategy you get from a guy whose reaction to opposition is ‘Go fuck yourself’, or as he put stupidly put it, ‘G. F. Y.’

I’ve been air traveling for business and pleasure for 30+ years. (fate please ignore this next statement)

I said it above but here is my rebuttal

Personal Travel (with 2 small kids): lolololol, checking every effing thing.”

For anything other than a short (i.e., one where I can get away with just the suit I’m wearing) business trip, I have no problem with checking a bag. I’ve never had bags lost, and I’ve never waited very long to check or pick up my bags. The modern overhead-bin drama created by all the “I will die before I check a bag”

Work Travel: Carry-on only

It seems like the Cybertruck is full of unintended consequences.  The adjustable ride height apparently moves the wheels laterally,  various leaks and of course the myriad ways to be sliced and crushed.  It clearly would have benefited from more testing and refinement by Tesla rather than making the first tranche of

I just love how people advertise what guns they have on their bumpers... allows you to shop potential thefts by brand.

The sedan I’ve conveniently affixed a “Come and take them!” bumper sticker to.

Got my hopes up until the said that green on the Corolla was a wrap.

The Cybertruck is a “beast” in the same way that a Vespa scooter is a “hog.”

He’s likely already fully stocked on the kool-aid since he bought his “beast” to begin with (why do they keep calling them that?). But yeah, I’ve never seen someone so proud and happy after just having their 35-mile-old vehicle dumping out coolant. This is just weird.

I don’t see any BMV response to that allegation (they’re probably saving that for court) so I’m not comfortable to assume anything.

Owning the Libs! And doing it while getting 5MPG.

This is literally the definition of a snowflake no matter what side you are on... His fee fees are hurt and he wants justice.