
Of course Austen was rich. If she was poor she would have been too busy working 16 hour days at the factory and bringing up her 8 children to write anything. Not that she’d even know how to write, or read, for that matter...

People can’t leave it alone when he pops up on stage for a surprise set. The audience didn’t have a choice, and that’s mainly what the outrage was about.

This was my project this week. It took FOREVER but it’s a world of difference. Though I’m moving the bed back to a less attractive spot because it’s now in my head that my kid might jump on the bed and wind up going through the window.

Your comment really resonates with me— thank you for taking the time to write it. My mother is likewise conservative and she was abused in her childhood. I think you are right that she is genuinely clueless, which is why I do not want to cut her out. I am still struggling on how to bring up issues with her when she

If you can’t cut her off entirely, then greatly reduce contact. She sounds pretty toxic. People like that can only be tolerated in tiny doses spaced very far apart.

Not an hour after I posted in last week’s SNS, a car hit and killed one of our newer cats, Jack. Rough weekend. Rough start to the new year, really.

Jane Austen was probably more like Fanny Price in Mansfield Park rich. She had rich relatives, but she did not have a large income or inheritance. She lived with her mother and unmarried sister Cassandra during her adult life, and they were forced to move to cheaper accommodations or move in with family on a few

Well my surgical recovery was chugging along nicely, but uhh... yesterday Mr. Bells went to pick up our son for a doctor’s appointment, slipped on the concrete steps in front of the school, tumbled down and broke his freaking shoulder.

Hey everybody! Happy New Year!

“Pride and Prejudice-level poor”

After a long spell of depression, I’ve started taking the one thing that actually helps. Self-care, yay me! I hope everyone is having a lovely week.

Plus what about the victims? They’re someone’s daughters. My dad, my bffs dad and friends that are dads have broke down when they found out there daughters were assaulted and had someone expose themselves to them. They’re twisted with guilt for not being able to protect them.

I love my friends. But I know damn well that anybody is capable of doing just about anything, you don’t know anybody completely.

Whipping his dick out was bad enough, but he also actively tried to ruin the careers of those women and anyone who tried to report on it as well. People don’t talk about that enough. Like so much fucking hand-wringing over a guy’s “ruined reputation” and literally nothing about the reps of all the women he crushed

“And I really can’t see the Garofalo of the early 90s - the alt comic feminist - allowing a comic of that generation to skate so easily if they’d done something like that to her.”

She also dragged out the “he’s my friend” and “question the source”, despite the fact questioning the source(s) is an idiotic statement because he admitted he did what everyone said he did.

I get being someone’s friend. I really do. I get not wanting to knock that person publicly, and I don’t think a person should have to. But for heaven’s sake, come up with a better articulation of your position. Say, “I support women and victims of harassment and abuse. In the case of Louis C.K., he has been and

Look, I get standing up for a friend. But compare this to what Marc Maron said about C.K., also longtime friends. He had asked C.K. privately about the (at the time) rumors and Louis said they weren’t true. When C.K. admitted to the behavior, Maron said on the podcast that Louis had straight up lied to him and fuck

Yes. It’s horrible.

She’s really using the “He has daughters!” excuse? And tossing in “I’ve known him forever!” and “You weren’t there!”