
If I ruled the world, which is daily becoming less likely, I would lead a SWAT team just for such people. All people would have to do is send the ASSWIPE ALERT into the sky over...well, wherever...and we would spring into action and just annihilate people who say shit like that. YOU WANT SEE DISTURBING? WAIT TIL THIS

I've had an extremely embittering day and after several Xanax I am going to try hard to not to follow my instincts and open the Pit of Undying Rage. Also this made my eyes pee.

I am quietly delighted to say that I own two lovely goats. One is a Nubian like this beautiful baby and I am here to tell you that they are just as delightful in real life as they are on the internet, even after they get to be big girls.

I try to abstain from kardashian bashin' but you spoke my thought. She looks like a doll, and if you look at many of her pictures (and may God have mercy on you) the face never changes; that coy eyes-lowered smirking faux-madonna downward tilt of the chin. She doesn't walk, she minces. She is Emile Zola's Nana for

I manage money like a drunken sailor on the beach. To curb this I use the 'gift card" method kind of like the envelope method: I buy a Publix card in the amount I have budgeted that period for groceries, a gas card, etc. True that it would be a disaster if I lost them but that's outweighed by the fact that money is

You are a courteous and thoughtful person.

I would not have fallen for caffeine panties. Xanax panties, on the other hand....

And the dynasty was founded....

Rihanna's audacious outfit is kind of meh! on the outrage scale. We see just as much nudity in perfume ads every day. I find her Josephine Baker dress far more lovely and light years less annoying that Miley Cyrus' classless"See my labia!" schtick.

I am kind of thinking she had assistance from our homeless population in staying alive. We've had some fierce storms lately and I just can't see her surviving with the heat and rain and mosquitos. And she was apparently avoiding searchers, and had assistance with that. Whoever it was, it's a good ending. It just

No greater defense than a subscription to "The Skeptical Inquirer...."

Here's a case law entry about it… and I am incorrect, she did have it between her knees. Also this entry does not mention the microwave, although I remember that being mentioned. Damn memory! But I thought you would be interested, however your opinion runs. It's a pretty neat

Actually, that's part of the mythology. She spilled the coffee accidentally into her lap. She never placed it between her knees. I believe (I'd have to rewatch the docu and it's off Netflix) that the coffee had been placed in the microwave to warm it. You know how nuclear hot the center of a microwaved item can be,

It was a good post, Dodai. But you were kicking a crutch out from under a lot of people, even if was an imaginary crutch. People will fight like hell to keep a comforting belief. (Religion, I'mm looking at you.) I always hoped that there were a lot of people who realized it was imaginary after your post, and were

No, they're people in the grip of intense grief, still in the denial stage, that are looking for any way in the world to make this not be true. Some other people who also turned to this included Rudyard Kipling and the (President) Lincolns. You don't have to feel compassion for them...but compassion is never a bad

"Wait...wait...I was just looking at YOUR hand, Madame Crapola, and the line across it says DEATH! DEATH! DEATH!"

I have a friend who was widowed as a very young woman after her husband's long and painful illness. She was looking for comfort; she found spiritualism. For a fee they told her exactly what she wanted to hear: that her husband was "alive on the other side" and sending messages to her which of course only they could

I saw a documentary on the above famous coffee spill and the elderly woman in question had hideous burns between her thighs and her belly, multiple infections, and literally lost her quality of life. There was more to the story: the coffee literally scalded her skin off. I'm not saying that there are no frivolous

Check out Gitti Sereny's book, Cries Unheard. She is living a normal life and has a child and a husband in England under another identity. It's a fascinating case.

Thank you.