
This is a gawker media blog. They can post what ever they want. Dont like it? Leave.

As I said to others in this thread. I dont care about what people want to see or dont want to see. Burying your head in the sand and ignoring this stuff is what has gotten us into this situation with having a fascist, racist, reality tv show host as president. Deal with it or find another tech site. I for one say,

“Although the original creators may have intended Wonder Woman to represent a strong and independent ‘warrior’ woman”

What is techy about this article? The fact that the alt-right/neo-nazi movement of late is very adept at using the internet and social media to spread their message. Also, gawker media has been posting more political related stories on their sites ever since gawker was shut down by Peter Thiel, an anti-free press

He is america’s creepy molester grandpa.

Cool comment, bro.

I don’t assume anything. I responded to your words. I don’t care anymore about what people want or don’t want to hear when it comes to reality and the world we live in. We have trump as a president because people ignored reality and focused on what they wanted to hear. 

The alt-right (neo-nazis) are triggered man-babies that need a safe space from dealing with reality.

You dont get to bury your head in the sand. Thats reason we are in this mess. Look at the problem. Deal with it. Its real.

The alt-right:

The same. Because they are dumb.

“Many people will be amazed by how ‘business-minded’ the new U.S. leader is, and how he is as ignorant as a child in terms of foreign policy.”

“the “hillside sloughed,””

You may look for another job, but finding one is a whole different issue.

People have families to support. A lot of people cant “just quit and find another job”. Its easier said than done. And when the company promises to pay, the employees hold out for pay, because quitting and finding another job is more dangerous. 

You are wrong. There are assets. Equipment and so on. Liquidate the assets and pay the employees. Its what class action lawsuits are for.

“Slide down my chimney, suckin’ on my mistletoe ”.

It’s ok, your not a conspiracy theorist because conspiracy theorists believe everything.

Sounds like, “F.A.T.A.L.” is the game for cew-smoke. :D

It’s the single best episode of the entire series.