
Arrival started strong and ended trash. What a trash story. “lets have a baby”

damn how do i try out to be on this show, ill do anything!!! ill be a random thug getting hacked in half PLEASE PLEASE!!!

im a youtuber and im your friend, i promise.

ahh yes I have read about the legendary landing fortitude of the ancient greeks.

can I use it with my pc’s power if I choose to?

What’s the difference between historically authentic and historically accurate LOL

i thought the movie really sucked.

serious question, if she’d have won, would we be in world war 3 with russia right now?

played NEXT, planets still look the same. shit.

best comment of the year

angry joe spoiled the blades of chaos too

something something apache helicopter.

interesting ideas. need to be tested of course

that's gotta be a little gay

we are supposed to forgive and forget the scam?

wow thanks, kotaku misinformation for the win, I also wondered what the prejudice part meant.

the orange one is fukin hot, id do naughty things to her

battlefield random weirdness was funny because it clashed with the general seriousness of the game.

bet my left nut this was taken out of context.

permit me to be devils advocate for a sec.