Converted my father to subies a few years ago. Got a 3.6R legacy, interior is nice but if it gets over 80F out, your ass is melting to them.
Converted my father to subies a few years ago. Got a 3.6R legacy, interior is nice but if it gets over 80F out, your ass is melting to them.
Get out!
Thats a slippery slope.
Would like to see some of those pics! Have to love the view from the Pulaski, and half the time youre not moving anyway so you get a good view. Ha
One time I swore this happened to me. Convinced myself it wasnt the case. But my passenger agreed it looked like clothing and pieces of...something. Had no interest in stopping to check.
I can relate to the “smelling/hearing anything and I start to freak out”. Though at least an explosion would be a hopefully quick death, compared to the slow death of watching a repair bill add up. Ha.
Better tires, better gearing, better suspension design.
Six? Try sixteenth.
Loving that the one guy who helped was what many would call a “kid”(young adult). All is not lost.
This was my favorite. Autozone dudes save the day!
Ventilated seats on mine(2013) would be nice too, though I am thankful for the heated seats in the winter. At least theyre not leather.
The problem here is which key would you pick on a nice, dry, sunday drive? Maybe the track one? Yes, me thinks.
Now that is an interesting idea...
I have to say, they would market it for close to a base model wrx. Which after taxes and such is close to 30k. But not over. Added options, sure. But if they decided to make a BRZ/86 with the FA series single turbo from the WRX, they would have to keep it under 30k(very doable) or the target market is lost.
I would buy one.
Not knocking it, but was that a Call of Duty reference?
I laughed.
Technically accurate.
*99% of Jalops faces while reading this