Not one to be outdone, LaVar Ball has decided that his next child will be named LaBall Ball.
Not one to be outdone, LaVar Ball has decided that his next child will be named LaBall Ball.
CNN anchor Chris Cuomo lectured LaVar Ball about gratitude tonight, following President Donald Trump’s whiny rant…
Hopefully Marchman appreciates your even-handed coverage of your own gruesome injury. Get well soon, Chris.
i’ll watch this gif until i am dead
Wow. Both people in omak saw it!
INBOX: [SPAM] Re: re: re: re: Greetings from Nigeria!
Does Jordan own JNCO stock?
You da real Tylenol PMVP
What goes around comes around.
Lebron James & Derrick Rose?
No, no, no. It’s ok for Harbaugh to recruit teens.
If you look at that 2013 Celts/Nets trade in a dark bathroom while looking in a mirror Danny Ainge appears and marries your mom.
Oh you must have confused me with someone who sweats.
And the winner for Best Beta Boy Blogger goes to Hamilton “Cucks” Nolan. Good luck marking territory with weak ass deodorant as Alphas dominate your crushes. That’s why I always cover my neck in real blood before I go out; puts out a good “I’m dangerous and live in the woods” feel. Chicks love it, as told by the…
It should be noted that Aubrey Huff’s ratio on that initial tweet is currently at “career year for Aubrey Huff.”
Let’s say Irsay invests in a better line, though. It’s just gonna get snorted up right quick.
First you dim the lights to set the mood. Next you look them right in the eyes. Then WHAMMMMOOOO right up side your head.