
with trump in it...

LOL and?

You are stupid, working against your own self interest and living proof that corporate propaganda works.

Oh look, a moron with no sense of nuance or critical thinking.

trump needs to keep the prison industries pockets full of money. Thats all he cares about. 

Genre movies like scifi, comedy and horror need to be 90 minutes. More that 90 minutes is too long to sustain emotions like fear, humor or a sense of awe. Dramas and historicals are allowed to be long because they are more story driven.

Fuck you, liar. You lack empathy, ethics and morals.

1. Read article.

They were talking about Ivanka.

Birds of a feather...

All pop music does.

LOL fuck off, idiot.  No offense.

The general public are not asshole bigots like you.

LOL kill yourself.

Trump’s Fascist America.

LOL fuck off, idiot.

I hope you get fired from your BK job.

Sit down and shut up. Youre wrong.

Wont someone think of the trolls!11!1!!!1! Fuck off.