Where does mansplaining even come into play here? Jesus you’re an idiot, even for a woman.
Where does mansplaining even come into play here? Jesus you’re an idiot, even for a woman.
Was onboard with everything you said then you said “mansplain”.
Jay Peterman, world famous seller of clothes and the best the Jets could scrape together to play QB. They were also going to make history by bringing in Elaine Benes to play wide receiver but she refused to take off an Orioles hat to put on the helmet so they had to cut her.
I think I speak for all of us when I say: Oh come the FUCK on!
So, this would be a nice little theory if the data backed you up. Tiger made more money and won more tournaments during the five years when he was happily married than he did during any other five year period of his career. Tiger’s top three earning years were during his marriage. His second best year in terms of both…
If they allow LF to achieve anything nefarious under the now honed noses of Sansa and Arya, as well as the all-seeing eye of Bran, then the writing is officially garbage now and forever.
The silver lining of bombing California is real estate prices will go down.
Blame MacArthur. The guy should have followed orders.
Not everyone’s a good TypeR.
What you said:
This will be fantastic as cruising altitude will be at 400 ft.
I kind of want an alternative skin for her which is the animated Teen Titans version of her, complete with adorable anger.
Shouldn’t it be the author’s job to cite sources and not the reader’s job to find them? Regardless of the opinion, not citing or linking sources is lazy.
My favorite part about NetherRealm fighting games is that they completely ruin every character design ever imagined.
That’s good! It’ll bring more work to the rail industry!
More like a capitalist terror weapon designed to scare the noble proletariat workers of the world into imperialistic subservience. At least get your canned rhetoric right...sheesh!
I didn’t know BIG APOCALYPSE was out here doing sponsored posts
“globalist fake news propaganda”
I know what you amino.