
4. Has Ben Affleck ever met an autistic person?

Ok then, that’s more like what girls do, (not disparaging you as I know sometimes likening someone’s actions to woman can be taken that way, sadly), cause when they pee they kinda do a little hover squat when they wipe. And, to be frank, even the sitters lean forward so we’re probably talking about a difference of a

Someone posted the links, but yeah, it’s about 50/50. It’s also that way for myself as I’m tall/broad and have a very small bathroom and toilet. It’s much easier to stand in that situation. If I’m at work, I’m sitting as I have the room.

26?!!! You are either out of your mind, using the absolute worst TP on the planet, or both. Get some halfway decent stuff and you should be fine with 3-4.

I honestly hope it gets a Switch port so that you can play it with a pro controller or something. It seemed like a genuinely good game ruined by a shitty control scheme

The second time you fight Ghirahim literally took me 30 minutes once because the remote just kept slashing from the wrong direction. I almost threw the whole Wii out the fucking window.