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Keep a twix on hand. Both tasty, and life saving.

I am fat, and I approve this message.

Not to mention wait days for the disk to come.

The whole POINT to netflix is that I can watch this stuff when /I/ want. Not when someone makes a schedule one day. I do not have time to go do it when someone else says so.

The sad thing is, it is not really Netflix's fault this time. That is what bugs me.

Because they think they can make more money with "cable". Also doing it themselves, eventually at some point in the future that is not right now but sometime soon. Later.

I have to agree.

People register for these porn sites?

It is less prudeness, american idiots, and other useless blather, and more along the lines of "knocked up in spaaaaaaace" problems and the related things.

Spirit vs Letter.

Close to 50 percent of problems conceiving are the result of male fertility issues.

You mean if someone steals your wallet they can get to your credit cards?!

The 4770 and its close kin the 5770, just happened to be fething awesome cards. Low power draw with big card performance. Coupled with the one slot design, was great to use with stupid BTX Dell boards.

How did this make them look bad is my question?

I have had some of my users come up with really stupid reasons for losing laptops, cellphones, and other tech. This is pretty tame, however I will tell you what I tell them.

My thoughts exactly. An hour in the oven, is closer to what you would do with a roast.

Orrrr... We all stop over cooking our beef and eat it rare to med rare like we should.

Ive never understood sex in the shower. The two primary reasons being, height differences coupled with a slippery surface. The second being, as odd as it sounds shower sex is very, "dry".

Question, is the stone heated? Nothing gets me going faster in the morning than putting my junk on cold marble/tile...

Well, Microsoft only lets one free DLC on a game. I do not think they are going to burn it on the Core...