
I am torn between this, and the final shuttle landing.

Still wouldnt have fixed the whole "leaking fuel like a siv" issue. Or just the operational costs of the SR-71 alone. Do not get me wrong, the plane is a beaut. However, the plane was never practical. That is why the U2 stayed in operation, and the SR-71 did not.

He didnt die.

I now want to see a MIRV slingshot.

Yes. A thousand times yes. Where do I sign?

I am so glad I stuck it out for the last line.

I personally put my hand on the back of the seat and tell the person in a stern voice and with a menacing look, "No." I slowly drop my hand away, never breaking eye contact.

While I agree. This is great, unless it is a flight that doesn't let you pick your own seat.


No offence, but I get royally pissed when I get denied an exit row or upgrade seat for someone that just happened to be ahead of me in line yet did not NEED the space. I see people who are 6' and below in these seats, and I just get hulk angry.

Works out, as they will fly all those retrofitted planes for the next 30 years.

I will... It sucks, but not having to use a hammer to fit into a seat is worth the $35 bucks... They know it too. They really should limit those seats to those who actually NEED them to fly, much like handicapped spaces.

Promoting this for the 6'4" club. I love to fly. However they make it harder and harder for me to fly. Thank god I can fly Frontier and/or Horizon for most of my flights. Horizon's q400s give me enough room to get through my 45 minute flight.

Get this man a heartclick for predicting the future.

Not at all. The fire allegory, only works when inciting panic for ones life and or safety. You can run down the street shouting whatever the hell rhetoric you want. As long as you are not putting people in harms way.

Nice enough? No... That we pay them enough? Yes.

It would be great, if I had the time at the arbitrary selected time to sit and watch the show at my TV. However, because I dont have much free time I do not get to sit and veg in front of the TV.

Thanks! Can I have a place now that I can pay you all money (studios) that I can watch ALL the shows I want? Then you can get rid of all of these evil people, if you make things simple for us!

This is good, however this only covers a fraction of TV (I have both anyway.). I recently started watching the big bang theroy. About 8 episodes in, however neither are available for streaming on anything other than the CBS site. Even then its very very limited.

No valor on the canons. And they do one shot you pretty well. They just need more of them, or republic needs to not camp them for their own valor gains. :/