
You have no idea how much pain DOCX files have caused me over the years.

Wow. This puts my old work of sitting in the back of class, programming up peoples calculators with algebra solving programs to shame.


I swear to god, I am going to pistol whip the next person who says they are CHARGING for the preorder.

How are they charging for a preorder? Oh, you mean paying for part of the retail price? Yeah... that is what we call typical for a preorder...

It is NOT a $5 charge. It is PAYING $5 of the total cost. You do not pay EXTRA.

Are you new to MMOs? The fee model... isnt new...

You and the world. Mouse droid revolution, no doubt.

But... but... your mouse droid?! What will you do without?

Some retailers are not as on the ball. Some of the US ones dont have them up yet. I just went with Origin.

Collectors Edition Ordered! My servers in my office need a new proctector. Got some new 1U rackmounts that need a friend. (I put my preorder statues in my server room, last one was my Aion CE.)

Again, not in space. On the moon.

No... The moon has gravity.... They are on the moon. Not deep space...

Looks more like an Eredar. You know, the badasses, before the spacegoats.

I think as I was reading that, I was going through that list mumbling, "Yep. Yep. Done. Twice. Who hasn't?"

Best part? I just got a PM that I never had gotten before.

Same as above. Not quite the same as a kid. Sides, that pony had it comin', all tarted up like that.

Eh... Terrorists stuff all sorts of things with explosives these days. Not saying it was right, but its not the same as a cop shooting a kid down in the street...

I am pretty sure there is a differnce here, between an old bitty with her spyglass looking out the window and a trained S.W.A.T. officer.

@Kaiser-Machead: I agree, its been a steady decline as technology has made our life so much easier.