
This is vital, and should be promoted.

As pointed out by the article, I will bet bottom dollar that the next iphone will do what few Android devices have done to this point. Create a proper CDMA/GSM(LTE) phone.

Yeah, I was just going for the generality. I do not think any of the tanks deployed to the protests have been M1s. Not that I have seen from the footage. They all look like M60s.

The Abrams! Such a useful field tool. From denying the enemy its own tank support, right down to its inbuilt Naptime chambers.

There could very well be a warped airframe with all that weight on the wingtip. It will require extensive check over before its next flight. Well, 4 years ago...

Why is a three year (Nearly 4) old video on here as news? I didn't realize that gizmodo has switched to a "classic lulz" feed. Not to be a buzz kill or anything, do not get me wrong this is quite amusing. I just don't get its place here.

@jefeloco: He could be speaking of LTE. As LTE is, you know. 3G.

@Digitas6045: Depends on the webserver. It came about that people added aliases to the www. subdomain. IE redirecting root domain requests to the www. subdomain.

@Ozzie, The Last Hairbender: Now see... If you did willfully move the vehicle into her line of fall, and she died or even when she survived. You open yourself to liability to some of her injuries or death.

This makes me sad, my wife and I where JUST talking about how he will out live us all.

Personally, I use my Mr Heater.

@Orion126: Does nothing when your password can be cracked in seconds.

@Dante_Ravenkin: Also, his foot doesnt slow down at all when he "kicks" the cat.

@rallen71366: WPA2-AES will however. Coupled with a strong non dictionary password will keep you rather secure.

This is missing a HUGE step.


@lizon: Says who? Its not my fault municipalities cant get their collective heads outta their ass to give the rest of the major population centers what I get.

Sooooo. This is the old Second Life jury system from circa 2005? (It was dropped due to the massive volume of accounts.)

Why for a Sig quote, on a picture of the Wizard? Not the Northwestern?