
Must. Get. For. Office.

@CamJN: Yeah, its a wonderful car. Like I said, Common sense/wife win in this situation. I know about the lease part, but yeah, you wont be able to own one til well after 2015.

@ebotee: As I said, its likely that its that short. Ive never timed it. Or ever really needed the feature.

@CamJN: Technicaly. No american can own one. So :/ I did get to sit in one, a month or so ago.

@CamJN: When you go to the Dealership, you still get pampered, like back in the uhh, Old times, I will call it.

@Kaspir: It could very well be that short, but I never unlock it further than quick walks distance anyway.

@aec007: Not always. Its also a huge resource hog. XP will stick around at my office, for at least the next 2 years.

Well, in spirit of the current ads.

@Phrosty: Yes, its called the plot line.

@ddhboy: Beyond our imagination? I dont know about you, but I have a very very expansive imagination...

@Jen007: They should still be sending out BCCs, and the Listserv should be the one bouncing out the replies.

@ITLawMan: Wow, that is artifacted. Here is a full rez version.

I took this, this weekend. I didn't even realize there was a photo contest on this. :(

@Jen007: Proper list servs should be sending BCCs instead.

Knowing the gods damn difference between REPLY AND REPLY ALL.

@Matt0505: You must be new here. Welcome to Gizmodo.

@pz: Quake 3 still looked awesome on my VooDoo 2 Black Magic.. (not trying to be a fanboy)