ithyphallus, 13382

what not to buy: avatar clothes or pets

and extra fail when kotaku comments turn into n4g :s

if it's rated M involving lady gaga and a horse, i'm staying farrrr awayy.

i find it ironic that LBP was announced emphasizing player creativity, but mainly got known afterward as a marketing conduit with cutesy costumes.

phew, glad i'm not the only one bugged by that. for a second i thought obsessing over divisibility was sort of compulsive, maybe a disorder.

@Komrade Kayce: still got those 2 dollar bills y'all. red robin that, bitches

@Metalive: highlight the game in games library and press x to jason, i mean delete game history.

Eat it, literally.

and now the rest of canada feels like quebec when it comes to contests

@R0bster: looks like you need to play mass effect 2

@Ursus-Veritas: vice city is my favourite too. the setting was just so lucid because it was campy scarface.

oh, that list did get better. current gen games shouldn't be there for the sake of seeing if they stand the test of time. arguably, the "uncharted 2 best game ever" quickly waned after mass effect 2.

@VincentGrey: yet, here you are splitting hairs for sony, justifying the removal of features.

@MifuneT: it's true that no one cared about linux but

despite that no one cared for this feature, it's pretty funny seeing sony run a campaign of "it only does everything" and hypocritically pull away features almost on a quota per year.

best of luck to roid-monkey in making enough money from pissed-off teens for his inevitable legal fees.

@Komrade Kayce: @Tre_Green: komrade does have a point. i'm feeling the regret of getting the semi- neglected versions of bioshock 2 and borderlands on the pc.

@Richard Nixon: it works in multiples of 80. if 800 points is a $10 value, then 800 point/10 dollars =80 points / dollar.
