
Alexander O’Neal’s “My Gift to You.” His voice is brown liquor personified. I can see him now lounging in a leather arm chair, wearing a silk bathrobe and velvet slippers, and sipping some Courvoisier by a crackling fire.

Tops on your list are “Get Money”, “All About the Benjamins”, and “Flava in Ya Ear (Remix)”. Also, I’m unsure of my comma and period placement.

Ms. Burke is a class act.

I’m assuming it was a highly overrated experience.

I’m from Montgomery, AL, and I recall a Sho’Nuff Pizza there back in the early 90s that made cornbread crust pizzas topped with collard greens or black-eyed peas or other soul food fare. I’ve no idea if meat like ham hocks or bacon were included, but prolly, yes. Some folks loved the novelty of it (I never got around

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Ditto. Every time “Independence Day” comes on TV, I only watch the part at the beginning where Goldblum’s character is complaining about his colleagues not recycling, and his walk through the office is ALL SWAG. He could get it.

At least he acknowledged that he did offend people, starting with Lupita, as opposed to writing the usual: “I sincerely apologize to those I MAY have offended...”

Oh my. She is lovely indeed. I love her crooked little nose.

That’s just embarrassingly wrong.

Ah yes, I didn’t see that you posted this. “The Visitor” was wonderful.

I tried to stick with TWD just for Danai’s character, but I just couldn’t face that dusty wig every week. Have you seen her in “The Visitor” with Richard Jenkins? It was released several years ago, but Lord, she is fabulous in it.

Niceness. Me wait patient.

And that damn hair. At least make them joints look somewhat real.

Excellent film, and Danai was excellent in it.

I’m so sorry that happened. You make an excellent point. Life-threatening allergies such as your son’s and Elijah’s must be treated with the critical attention and importance that they warrant. When the warnings are right there in front of a caretaker or medical personnel, there’s no excuse for getting it wrong.

Most welcome.

Here you go:

Bless this sweet baby’s soul. In such a case, protocols are supposed to create layers of protection to keep vulnerable people safe, so why have a profile on each child listing their allergies and whatnot, and not freaking consult it? Elijah’s death was 100% preventable and it’s just tragic. Medically-fragile

My favorite part toward the ending was when Carrie returned home all bloody from the prom incident to her mom waiting for her. Gives me chills just thinking about it.