Also, in the absence of books to give all of you that address your own insecurities and terrible auto replay brain messages and the scars you’ve had to heal on your own, I will tell you two things I told both of them (and an extra):
Also, in the absence of books to give all of you that address your own insecurities and terrible auto replay brain messages and the scars you’ve had to heal on your own, I will tell you two things I told both of them (and an extra):
It was a loooong time ago (I’m early-old) but I’ll see what I can dig up and reply here. :)
Many of the most successful, self-possessed, vibrant, independent women in my life struggle mightily with depression and anxiety, and go between wanting to put it all out there — listen, if I can live through this, so can you — and wanting to keep it all hidden, because showing weakness will ruin her capacity to be a…
al·le·vi·ate / əˈlēvēˌāt/ verb / make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe. Got it. So:
There were elderly people standing there doing nothing but standing. Do you think they can leap into the air or sprint away from a moving vehicle? Go blame the victims on Reddit, troll.