

If you’re eating any kind of meat (or even vegetables) with such “coaly” burn strips like in the picture at the top of this article, colon cancer will kill you far earlier than cholesterol would have any chance

So, now Boeing wants to push the responsibility onto its suppliers, whose work and products it previously approved for use in its products, but now wants to deny any responsibility for this. Am I getting this story right?

I’m glad I could teach you something new also today. And you’ve still got so many more things to learn. Go, Kitten, go!

Please look up the Dunning-Kruger effect! You’re a prime working example of it being real.

Well, that point regarding the publications went woosh right over your head, didn’t it? Also, you appealed to authority in your “reasoning”, which is a logical fallacy. Not that you’d know anything neither about my academic credits nor about my education. Just saying. And Occam’s razor works in my favor in this case.

Either that, or this is just the classic case of research and publishing done just for the sake of doing research and publishing, with no actual new results published. Because, well, that’s how you advance your career and that’s how you get funding in the academic world. Ie. you only have to publish stuff, not

The problem with not allowing ad networks to track users is, that it makes ads less targeted, less effective and more prone to fraud, which in turn makes them less valuable. So, in order for publishers to make the same amount of money and be able to pay their bills, they’ll have to show a lot more non-tracking ads,

I’d have thought that the fact that the Moon is tidally locked to the Earth would already explain the different surface features on the two sides, because it makes disproportionately harder for asteroids to hit the side of the Moon that’s facing us, compared to the far one, for two reasons.

Don’t forget she being also transgender woman! That would check all boxes.

So, when will the shark-mounted version of this be ready for deployment?

In other news marine scientist have found a new species of fish in the Mariana Trench that glows green in the dark despite the total lack of sunlight down there

You’re beating a straw man. Obviously, because even you know that you can’t argue with what I actually said. GG

As far as I see, she choose a very shtty time to wake up

So, then please tell me, how we can differentiate between actual things that happened and things that are just said to have happened, but didn’t, or didn’t in a way they were described? Do you want to get fired just because somebody accuses you of something? Or is that only okay if it happens to others, especially if

Sallybanner has touched me inappropiately, so please arrest her! No need for me to prove she actually did it - so, just arrest her, and put her in jail for years. See, the justice system works? M0r0n.

Talk about hiding in plain eye. Sight.

So, where are the proofs for all these allegations? If there aren’t any, what are we talking about? And if there are actual proofs, then again: what are we talking about? Report it to police, and let the justice system do its work!

You just committed another logical fallacy: appeal to authority. Actually, make that two fallacies, because you also applied a false generalization to all the people ignorant of what Articles 11 is about. And don’t even get me started how you couldn’t even name a single one of all those people similarly ignorant to