i am sad


Like, why would anyone try to actually scam us?

I don’t know if this is more sad, or more ironic. When cops shoot and kill unarmed, innocent civilians, it’s written off as an accident in the line of duty, and it’s played down by all official sources. But if a civilian did the same thing to a cop, by genuine accident, the argument is switched 180 degrees.

The older I get the less patience I have for word games. A person either believes that everyone should have bodily autonomy or they don’t. You can personally never want to have an abortion, because you are then exercising autonomy over your own body. The moment it extends to others, it ceases to be a personal belief.

They may not be African-American, but they are black. Funny how she had no objection to them inaccurately being considered half-Pakistani, though.

I might be getting trope fatigued.

every time I see this gif

I’m gonna guess that the writer’s on this show couldn’t think of a tagline that didn’t center on her being black, so they just chose to leave it blank.

And now I hate it.

What do you expect?

lol, some people are so insecure and defensive in response to someone who makes the choice to not have kids...

It’s amazing that you can type all of this out and fuck your sister at the same time.

Fuck her. She doesn’t deserve anything more clever.


Black girls.

Considering how utterly terrified I was of the X-Files show when I was a kid (to the point that the theme song was enough to give me the heebies), I feel rather tickled pink that this exists. This resurgence of ‘kid-ified’ versions of pop culture made for the purpose of sharing beloved stories to the next generation

Plus, you know, people realizing that they can say what they want but that doesn’t mean they aren’t going to face consequences.