Damn straight it can.
Damn straight it can.
He can't be two things.
To bathe, right? Communally? Communally with other men? Comunmunally, nudely, with other men, in a literally steamy situation?
He should be. And I am.
Is Bono bugging me? Does he mean to bug me? Is he sorry for bugging me?
Our Father, Who Art in Heaven, Harold Be Thy Name.
I just learned that tthe full name of Thing from the Addams Family is Thing T. Thing.
¿Como se dice 'BONG' en español?
Yup. Yup.
Having done a cursory* internet search, I can confidently say - Ken Ham: unsightly blister.
Gentle Herpes: man of science, man of unsightly blisters.
Hell yes.
Empirically so?
What? What can it be? Tell me tell me tell me.
Kill two for matching clogs.
And you want to be my go-to comment man.
If you need a character witness…
"Supersized gins and juices for all."
Between a Rock and a Hap place…