Disgusting HDR...
Disgusting HDR...
Also, if you want to give it a try, suit yourself: http://www.vizzed.com/playonlinegames/game.php?id=4015
Articles like this are absolutely no fun if there are no reference videos. So here's someone with a 5.87 record on it.
Soda is mostly water. Sometimes when put in a freezer, water will suffer a phenomenon where it reaches 0ºC and below but will stay liquid. This is obviously very unstable and any disturbance on the liquid will make the molecules quickly agitate and become solid within seconds, expanding just like the text explained.…
$60 + $15 monthly fee + cash shop? Yeah, no thanks. I'll wait until it goes f2p six months from now.
And shit like this is the reason I don't plan ever going to France in my life.
Wait a moment, hold your horses! Does anyone still play Diablo III?!!
A small sensor requires a smaller image circle projected onto the sensor by the lens, which means the lens elements are smaller and simpler.
So, I've never played Mass Effect and I don't know jack about it, so I started to watch the video and got bored at the 06:00 mark because everything seems to be the same to me in both endings.
It's a joke. He's referring to the fact that people used to do that on Diablo 2 since the characters's save files were stored locally.
He left his friend all by himself after dying, still fighting an extremely hard boss buffed up to deal twice damage due to both their presence on the game. By leaving, he would remove the multiplayer buff. By staying, he would seriously risk making his friend die and also lose a 100+ hours character.
"Rape" is the new "nigger".
Well, guess I won't be power-leveling my wizard on Zolton Kulle's quest anymore...
I also don't get why others are complaining. That's freaking impressive. Looks like current gen CGI running in real time. What's not to love (except the awful lens flare)?
Yeah, being realistic for a moment, I predict that these games will just come out for the PS3 and Xbox 360 with low resolution textures and simpler animations and particles. Everyone will be disappointed, we will move on.
"Still shoots natively in 3:2"
Haven't they already announced that Connor later on discovers that the British are not that bad and changes side? Maybe even something about he being half-british?
"Subjugated to a grueling 5 hour interrogation of persuasion"