
Yeah, being realistic for a moment, I predict that these games will just come out for the PS3 and Xbox 360 with low resolution textures and simpler animations and particles. Everyone will be disappointed, we will move on.

"Still shoots natively in 3:2"

Haven't they already announced that Connor later on discovers that the British are not that bad and changes side? Maybe even something about he being half-british?

"Subjugated to a grueling 5 hour interrogation of persuasion"

Here's the page I was talking about in Kingdom Come. If you haven't yet, you should read it. One of the best comics I've ever read. Definitely the best art, along with Marvels. Alex Ross is a beast.

You tell me.

You call that trailer and that screenshot "happening"? Until we see an announcement, unfortunately I don't think anything is happening.

Mirror's Edge 2 and Beyond Good & Evil 2.

I bought Diablo III for my girlfriend and she's playing it with her Intel I5, 4GB RAM and HD 3000 graphics. All on low, no shadows and 1366x768. It runs quite fine, actually. Sometimes when the screen gets too clustered with enemies, the framerate will drop to about 20fps for a few moments, but nothing to keep her

Witch Doctor because it looks quite awesome and since almost everyone is racist and hates their looks, that's probably going to be the least played class.

The elbow is not shooped, though I must agree it looks terrible due to the angle, position and perspective. Probably just a bad photographer who didn't know how to properly direct his model.

Some of the worst Photoshop jobs I've seen in my life on the Catherine and Officer Jenny pics.


u mad, bro.

If the game's graphics resemble anything from these awesome concept arts, I'm buying the shit out of it. Truly amazing concept arts there.

This would've been much better without the "meme faces".

Oh, don't worry Gizmodo. We already had to learn how to deal with password changes a long time ago.

It's probably going to cost about $1,300 for body-only and around $1,700 for the 35mm kit.

Not even trolling: why do the graphics looks like Team Fortress 2?

I don't get it. Are these guys some sort of politicians whom should keep their expenses and finances public and worry about not spending (or stealing) too much so it won't affect their images?