Trump 2020 and nothing can stop him Prachi
Trump 2020 and nothing can stop him Prachi
ok but if shes legal, whats your point. trump never said anything bad about legal mexican Americans. why are you trying to make this into a “Trump hates Mexicans” thing when hes only kicking out the illegal fuck ups.
weirdo liberals are crying and so sad that a black man actually likes trump. I think that’s Kanyes best attribute making scumbag liberals sad.
Keep protesting an imaginary bullshit concept
Black hair. He says it in the movie . Watch true romance. The white guy hates sicilians
Atleast Verlander has 2 great things to cry into tonight
Not all celebrities are as out of touch as our grotesque president
my great grandparents were all Greek orthodox and then became catholic in america
“blonde blue eyed wops became black hair dark eyes”
same with sicilians, they are brown and have black curly hair so they must have some afro in em.
no way Blacks are still racist? I thought only wypipo
the demographics of Puerto Rico, nearly 70% identify as white. Look it up. Cuba is probably higher, becuase all the Tainos (brown people) were killed so only the white (Spanish/italian/Lebanese) and Black (slaves) survived on the 2 islands.
No it makes you just another liberal. ya know the people who promote love and respect but are actually really awful scumbags who love illegal immigrants for some reason
shes kinda right though, the left wants open borders to change demographics and have the power.
Im not an immigrant, so I didnt know bruh.
I honestly love Trump, he really will go down in history at the very least as the single cause for odd Liberal people losing their shit on a daily basis.
Obama was a decent president not gonna say anything bad about the guy he was clearly the best option both times but other than being incredibly likeable which he was he was not the savior that we all thought in 08.
Hes only 32 not exactly old. Maybe he’s got some underlying shoulder issues, 32 is not exactly the edge of the cliff
follow his into the abyss, what abyss? the economy is better now than it EVER was under Obama. The abyss isnt about stupid illegal immigrants kids or idiots being told to stand for the anthem.