
You. I like you.

You seem to know what you are talking about.. This happens on ALL levels of digital imagery, probably because people who don't work in it think: all the work is done by computers, so it won't take too much to change things.

Is it a problem I have seen all of these multiple times? What does it say about me as a person??

Can I be snarky? I will be snarky! I think it happens also because BBC series tend to have a much more diverse cast of actors, whereas I don't know why American series need a whitewashing which feels so, so old..

This is very very interesting: in Italian the Racoon is known as Procione, which of course comes from Procyon lotor, but it is also known as "Orsetto Lavatore" which is a literal translation of "Wash Bear"... I think this comes all the way from Marco Polo and his travels in China? I will have to have a look at it!

Soooo, when is the movie due?

Just a FYI: I have tried to open up Drakensang online on a remote pc using teamviewer, and it did not show anything. But maybe I did not try enough and did not set viewing modes correctly. Will try later

"They also contacted the phycology professor"

Save yourself, don't read the manga.

I'm with you there.

My god.. This Rocket is looking more and more badass by the minute!

Just two seconds.. and the trailer makes me feel for Groot AND the little girl... I have too high expectations on this movie..

Am sorry, I can't seem to edit my original post, I wanted to write Inuit. Damn typos.

So Transformers Vs GI Joe is a direct tie in from this?

You sir, made me cough up while laughing. Not cool, not cool at all!

I really like your answer. Also, I dream of a world where we can cast a black person, or an asian, or a mexican, or an ihuit only because he wants that role and/or is a good actor, not because we feel the need to put them there so everybody's happy.

I have seen and enjoyed this movie. But it's one of those movies I will see again only together with someone who has not seen it before.


You just had to quote one of my favourite books, and make a parallel with Jem, did'nt you? Now I have to read the book again and convince myself I lack the expertise to turn it all by myself in a 3d animation movie..

"Save me, or you won't exist!"