
I am as of now officially scared they will reactivate Mount Vesuvius and the Etna Volcano in the third film...


Very quickly:

SHa-Na-Du or EX-an-a-du?

Nice, very nice episode. And yet, Rick and his group still haven't said the name "Michonne" to her. Do they still not know her name? Really?

hold it: we now also have TWO black women on the show. Does this mean a dire future for Michonne?

Allow me to be less concerned to what happens to Baltimore than what happens to Venice..

Having seen the show, I must say I did not dislike it...if only you could give Danny and Charlie some likeability. It's hard, they should learn how to play or, you know, at least change facial expression every now and then..


I hate the Iron Patriot armor, because I loved so muche the War Machine one...

The only movie not to be in this list is Stargate, it is a horrible boring stereotipical piece of... you know..

Viewing this episode will be so much more fun, now that I have already read review and comments! :D

Nice episode, and very pleased with the review.

Speaking of n°10... it's funny I stopped watching BSG exactly with that episode, feeling that nothing much more could be said. So, for me, that WAS the final episode.

Just for the record, the guy's correct name was Gargiulo. An italian surname very popular round my parts.

That so bad a disease is stealing bits of memory from one of the funniest and more creative writers of our time is so, so sad.

you know that it isn't bowie making those balls turn, right?

All I can say is: finally, some Speed Racer love on Io9!!

Hi there.

I was kind of bored by this episode, and starting to think I'll watch it back to back like S2... Then I saw that next episode it's Michonne and Andrea... so I'm in!