
You’re right, they literally can’t stop it; they can only point out the hypocrisy of the Republicans and hope that enough of the “moderate” Republicans peel off and deny McConnell a majority. That’s how math works.

It’s an article about food you can only find in that state that’s worth traveling for.

Is she 22? Like in human years?


TikTok ban doesn’t start until after the election, for some reason. November 12th. Is it because he still thinks he has a chance at the youth vote?
Nah, it’s because they’re morons.

Hello, I’m a world-class problem solver here to solve your problem.

Yeah, but those folks will now move to Idaho and Oregon can get its house in order.

He’s probably going to get into Biden’s face and/or physically assault him. Just you watch. 

Me, too, but I’d prefer to see them swept by the Lakers.

I’m telling you, you can find everything in SoCal, so stop yer crying Norcal.

Can’t wait to see him join the Lakers.

Huh. I think NY/NJ would like a word.

It’s not representative; it’s a list of food you won’t find anywhere else in the states. Supposedly.

Also, SoCal was going to end up on the list regardless of cuisine. Suck it.

 He’s just making it easy for us to size his handcuffs.

Yeah, that’s all this is. Retribution for being made chump.

Those look like her hiking boots. The real question is wtf is Gavin wearing?
What is that, a California tuxedo?

That smoke isn’t going to make Covid worse, at all. 

You know it was happening as soon as Ballmer bought them. Hey, maybe the curse will be broken with the move (lol).

Everyone involved in this murder and cover-up should be in jail. 

At this rate, the only viable restaurants left will be wood-fired pizza places and BBQ joints.