Meanwhile, every other protest? No one mentions lack of concrete goals there.
That’s kind of a problem, though, and it is being mentioned here in Portland, where the protests are fizzling out compared to the beginning of the summer. Without concrete goals anyone can just hijack your movement, and we’ve seen that with…
We see this in Portland, too. Where the pigs stand by as the ProudBoys and other RWNs use violence against the protestors. Why? Because the pigs are simpatico with fascists.
Dude you still mad at the NBA players? You’re missing out on some of the best basketball ever played. There has to be some joy in this world. They have their platform, the streets is another platform.
Nope too salty. Gotta use Keebler club crackers.
Oh, man, my college roomates gramma used to send him a tin of these. They didn’t last long.
What does this mean, though?
Fuck, man, having to watch a goddam Target commercial before i could see this video....ABC7 fuck you.
LASD is the worst PD in LA by far.
She could pull off Puerto Rican at most. She went full r-word, though.
Yup, that’s the one. Star players choose their coaches. Full stop.
Also, if I’m reading between the lines, I don’t anyone likes Ewing for some reason.
One can dream!
I was wondering what this was about. Thanks.
The last line of her resume should be first:
Yeah notice he drew his firearm first, while the other cop drew his taser first. This guy was homed in for the kill. He was probably trained that way.
Yeah he was probably looking for suicide by cop, sadly. The article says that customers tried to help him out but he politely declined. What is puzzling to me is that this man was NOT being violent to anyone, in fact the crowd was able to go up to him and talk to him. There were customers all around him trying to talk…
Plus he’d be a pig in the poke. So solitary.
Their callousness is on full display and indefensible. This man was outnumbered, literally naked, and restrained. Yet they still killed him while they laughed about it. Fucking disgusting.
Your Nazi comparison is spot-on. These guys are displaying all the same dehumanizing behavior of the SS.
Those are contributing factors, not the underlying cause. They choked him to death, dumbass.
He really was amazing. I think his best performance was acting like he didn’t have cancer, for real.
Just wear a mask, sunglasses, a hat, and an overcoat. To keep the falling germs from sticking to your coat, every few seconds flap the front of your coat in an up and down motion.
Just stuff some snacks in the germ pocket in front of everyone’s seat, that way no one has to walk around the cabin or touch anyone else’s snacks.