
Ding, ding, ding. Lol, I’m sure it also has nothing do with televising half the playoff games during work hours.

He also alleges that the incident caused him “permanent disability” and that he’s experienced “great anxiety, embarrassment, anger, loss of enjoyment of life, injury to reputation and severe emotional and physical distress in an amount to be determined at trial.”

I’m sure this dirty cop is just an anomaly and not the

Lol, you and your buddy are so keen to smash “fanciness” that you missed that these burgers don’t have any fucking foie gras in them. Lol, the ethos of this place is the opposite of snobiness. It’s more like a food lab for their real “fancy” restaurant next door.

The foie gras is on another dish, dumbass. Watch the video maybe? The only “fancying” they did is to add french onion soup (canned, so don’t worry it’s not too fancy for your tastebuds) to the beef.

This is how you get avian-corona flu.

This is probably the opposite of that. Using “fancy” ingredients to make a “slutty burger.” 

Looks like Ye’s found himself a VP.

Some chains will be bought up by Netflix/Amazon. Independents will struggle and possibly die off. This is what’s finally going to kill most big screens.

Ask yourself if the movie you want to watch is worth the risk of getting C19. If yes, proceed to:

1) wear a mask & face shield.
2) sit in the way back, where the sexy stuff happens.*
3) don’t eat or drink.

*this will not protect you from STDs.

Is that 100% foolproof? No, but what is? 

Guess they’ll just have to settle for living in one.

Fried eggplant is your friend:

Italian sausage and fried eggplant, as the good Lord intended.