You gotta leave the rind on as a handle, but also it keeps it from getting limp for some reason. I serve my watermelon steaks with a nice 1 inch rind.
You gotta leave the rind on as a handle, but also it keeps it from getting limp for some reason. I serve my watermelon steaks with a nice 1 inch rind.
Yeah, watermelon and salty goes well together. Even better with salty and spicy, and citrusy.
Unless profits go to BLM, this is just more marketing.
They should just make a shit ton of peanut butter.
Texas has been doing the opposite of Mexican since 1835.
One of them grew up, the other one didn’t. It’s as simple as that.
The law he “created” already existed. He’s just directing attention to it. It’s also only applicable on Federal property and for statues marked as “veteran memorials.” In other words, he still hasn’t done shit during his term except makes things worse.
They have to be the same or a similar shape. Otherwise it would fuck with the mouth feel too much.
He also noticed it “halfway through” drinking it. Lol, if it was in there and taking up that much space, you would feel it with the straw right away.
It was his sick kid that caused him to grow up. It’s not a mystery. That’s when he started really, really, championing healthcare for all. From there it was probably only natural to care about other social ills.
For those of you wondering what soccer is, it’s that sport where they throw bananas on the field whenever there are Black players on the team.
Exactly, Jesus was a reptilian shape-shifter, so of course he can be any race.
Nite Owl becomes radicalized in prison and becomes the leader of the neo-Rorsachs.
Yeah, the whole “Man Show” was overtly “anti-PC.”
His own father beats his ass, too. Just like in real life.
It’s gonna be a good portrayal, I bet.